下巻 矛盾螺旋 対蒼崎橙子(炎)
「Go away the shadow. It is impossible to touch
the thing
which are not visible. Forget the the
ness. It is impossible
to see the thing which are
not touched.
The question is prohibited. The answer is
I have the flame in the left hand the left hand. And I have
everything in the
right hand――――――――――」
「I am the order.Therefore,
you will be defeated securely―――――――!」
web公開版 矛盾螺旋 対蒼崎橙子(炎)
「What method do you elimihate the shadom? (影ハ消エヨ。不視ノ手段ヲモッテ)
What method do you elimihate the darkness?(闇ナラバ忘却セヨ。己ガ不触ノ常識ニタチカエレ)
li's a most simple guestion. (問ウ事ハアタワジ。我ガ解答ハ明白ナリ!)
Because the light is in my hand and (コノ手ニハ光。
the sun is in my world」 コノ手コソガ全テト知レ)
「You should be killed yourself who have been (我ヲ存カスハ万物ノ理。全テノ前ニ、汝)
Protected the hatvral common knowledge──!」 (ココニ、敗北ハ必定ナリ!)